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To The Point is a professional writing company specializing in content creation for inbound marketing programs. If you need a blog post, whitepaper, ebook, product guide or any other marketing collateral, please consider To The Point. 

We started in 1997 during the dot-com boom as a technical writing company and have been part of the Internet evolution ever since. We are proud to offer personalized service in a market primarily dominated by consolidators, and work with you to get the job done right. 

We believe communication, of all types, should be treated as a strategic asset, and each of our team members has over 20 years of practical Canadian-based experience. 

Please click here for a complete list of services.

Cassidy Concept Active Meditation

To The Point founded Cassidy Concept Active Meditation (CCAM) in 2019. CCAM is a unique and proprietary combination of controlled breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation designed to help soothe and relax you naturally. More information about CCAM can be found here


To The Point is based out of the Orangeville, ON area and proudly serves all of Canada.