
To The Point delivers professional writing, content creation, and project management services. We will work personally with you to customize a solution to fit your specific needs. We are flexible, sensitive to budgetary constraints, and always strive to deliver maximally effective "To The Point" service.

Please scroll below for a list of services.

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Website communication is different from other styles of text-based communication – visitors have come to your website for a reason, and they want to find the content they are looking for quickly. Web attention spans are short and, if you don’t immediately grab interest, they will promptly browse to another site. Visual appeal, relevance, and clarity are key – often you only have seconds to secure a viewer. “To The Point” presentation is more critical than ever and must be coupled with strategic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to attract visitors to your site in the first place.
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We now live in a knowledge-based society and content is king. Blogs are a highly effective way for businesses to convey thought leadership and expertise. However, to capitalize on this, the key to success is writing an engaging blog. This is where To The Point steps in. We help with planning, headlines, photos, and content creation. If you have good ideas, we will turn them into a great blog.
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Businesses are built on technical and subject matter expertise. The challenge is sharing this product knowledge with others in a clear and concise manner. To The Point’s roots are based in technical writing. If you have a complex product or service that needs to be distilled into a user manual, instruction manual, or another format, we can help. To The Point offers a wide range of options to supplement technical writing with top quality diagrams, illustrations, photos, and videos, as required.
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Copy editing and proofreading are two of the most important and often overlooked tasks. Even one little mistake can detract from an entire document. It is critical to keep in mind first impressions matter and, quite often, maybe all you will get. In fact, communications with multiple spelling and/or grammatical errors can impact the credibility of an entire business. To The Point will ensure your message is clear, concise, and best represents your business.

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We specialize in writing all types of content for busy business owners in situations where they need to be credited for the work, but do not have time to create it. If you can supply the main points to cover, we will work with you on turning them into a masterpiece. We will ensure your communications are on point and presented in the most professional light possible.
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RFI/RFP style communications are often considered one of the most challenging document types to master. They are highly technical, subject to intense scrutiny, and require significant upfront analysis and interpretation to be successful. There is no margin for error, and even slight miscalculations can result in disqualification or unsatisfactory results. We have significant experience and success in this mission-critical service. Leveraging our expertise will help you win your next opportunity.
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We utilize a wide range of tutorial and training methodologies. Whether you are seeking an online training course/tutorial, certification test, or a simple training manual, we can help. The key to effective training is clarity in presentation. Divide the material into bite-sized chunks and turn into a format the target audience can easily relate to. We will support the material with charts and other images where possible to help stimulate learning. Learning can be challenging and we aim to make it as enjoyable and effective as possible.
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Often the hardest part of a project is simply getting it down on paper - in a format that makes sense. We have many years of experience taking the most complex workflows and turning them into meaningful documents, capturing all objective and subjective processes. We remove the administrative burden of documentation from your team and let them focus on what they do best. Let us work with you to map out your processes, assist in bringing clarity to your vision, and a tightly defined scope to your projects.